Life management for everyone

Build a life you can be proud of by supercharging your brainpower.

Thus, become healthy, wealthy & smart.

Set and Achieve Ambitious Goals with AI

Use AI to set your long-term objectives and break them down into manageable milestones.

Enjoyed by many:

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10.5K+ decisions taken

Backed by

Austral Anchor Capital

Austral Anchor Capital

How It Works

Never manage your cognitive levels manually again


Load your long-term goals

Input your aspirations and major objectives to set the direction for your productivity journey.


Set short-term actions

Break down your goals into actionable steps and daily tasks to make consistent progress.


Track your levels

Monitor your current stress, cognitive, and energy levels. Don't work if you're tired. Instead, get recs to rest, recover, and come back stronger.


Maximize productivity

Never lose a minute again in wasted productivity. Enjoy more time with family and friends.

Who Is It For?

Join hundreds ('00) of satisfied users already optimizing their lives with Lebenmaster.


Students at Top Colleges

Optimize your study habits and manage stress for peak academic performance.


Ambitious Professionals

Balance work, personal growth, and well-being to accelerate your career.


Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

Maximize productivity and decision-making to grow your business effectively.

See a demo right now!

What if you could build more wealth every day?

Lebenmaster Logo

If you're generating $100,000 a year, imagine how much more you could earn if you were 8-10% more productive?

What if you could achieve deep focus consistently?

Lebenmaster Logo

Lebenmaster helps you manage your objectives and mental energy in a more rational way, making sure you perform deep work daily when your brain is at its max.

Still not sure?

Contact us now and we promise to give you a demo in 24hs or less.

Otherwise, the first month's on us. 1

1 Sundays not included in the deal. Founders need to rest sometimes.